Monday, February 12, 2007

Persian Pastries

So, there's going to be this cultural luncheon thing at work next week, and Sweetie's going to be out of town (he's got an interview, isn't that great?) so I might spend the whole weekend baking! I really want to make some chickpea cookies and these things - I don't know what they're called - imagine if you made a funnel cake, but used honey instead of batter? They're like that. Good stuff.

Posting some recipe links, I'll let you know which ones I end up trying: (ice-in-heaven, I don't think I've had this!) (I think this is what my cousin would make for me) (THIS is the funnel cake stuff!) (delicious cookies) (chickpea cookies, good stuff!)

I figure, hey, if I'm gonna get fat, at least I'll be a good cook to boot.


Unknown said...

Oooh, lookie! I can actually comment, I think. Your pastries choices are all making me drool. So, henna sometime? I think it hit dye release, so I put it in my freezer. And I've been working on my knitting, yay!


Anonymous said...

I have homework until thursday and Sweetie's leaving for a job interview in austin this weekend (so excited) so I have to run Thursday's student group meeting, but friday and this weekend I'll be free :) And that's coincidentally when I'll be doing all my delicious cooking, so we should get together and have henna and sugar night!