Sunday, March 05, 2006

At Least I Can Give Her My Time

So, the squid, he's currently got 4 of his 10 tentacles knit, and he's going on hold. The angora/wool socks are almost finished, I need to decide if I'm going up to the LYS to pick up another ball of the purple Kathmandu (likely so) or finish these up with the green. All in all, post-olympian times is good times.

In other news, K.'s wedding is in about three months, and I'm excited for her. We all know I'm the perpetually broke sort, so my choices for "approproate wedding gift to the woman who introduced me to knitting" are limited, but we've worked something out. She picked up 5 balls of Karabella 4 (DK weight) in a lovely light lavender color, and I'm knitting her a stole in Ostrich Plumes, 24" x 60", to wear at her reception. On size 4 needles.

So, think I can get 10 square feet of knitting on size 4s done in three months? Looks like we're going to find out!

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